
The campaign so far

Thanks to comedian and activist Mark Thomas, Tracey, Rikki for their ongoing support for our struggle and for staging protests in our cinema and producing these videos.

Who are we?
We are a collective of staff members at Curzon Cinemas (aka Curzon World). In the face of the company's rapid expansion and corporatisation we are fighting for the London Living Wage. You can follow our campaign here, join our facebook group Curzon Workers Party and follow us on Twitter, where we are called Curzon Workers.

Why have we formed this movement?
We have formed this movement because we have lost faith in the company. What was once an exciting group of independent cinemas is turning into a soulless brand with no respect for staff and little interest in customers.
Read this by our petition-creator Fred Paxton for more information about us and Fair Pay in London's Indies

What are we fighting for?
We have won the Living Wage campaign. London employees will be getting a raise from £7 to £8 starting from 1st October 2014 and £9.15 (current London Living Wage w.e.f 3rd Nov 2014) from 1st January 2015.
We are now supporting other cinema workers and other low waged workers in the UK for their right for Living Wage - we are doing the best we can, working together with The Ritzy cinema staff in Brixton.

What we have achieved so far?
- Curzon has voluntarily recognised our union BECTU on 13th January 2014.
- Curzon has finally agreed to pay the Living Wage on Wednesday 29 October 2014.
- Concession prices ticket was brought back after endless pressure from the staff, our loyal customers and supporters. The concession price £5 is only available on off peak hours but we believe it should be available at all times. We are working on this, watch this space!

*For more information on the London Living Wage/Living Wage - please click here